Monday, October 18, 2010

Sorry About That

Ok, the last post was an aberration, mostly.
I was raised a basically a political creature at my fathers knee. He was a news watcher, paper reading staunch Democrat of the old school. I suppose these days he would be labeled a flaming liberal nut job by the far right center corporate news machine in this country.
My last post as mysterious as it may have been, was simple me on to much politics.
I made the mistake of reading to much at once and the fall out was inevitable.
Rage morphing into despair into rage back into a kind of almost cosmic and surreal fugue state of swirling shadows and screaming faces.
I was simple venting my utter disgust and soul deep sadness at the world we've made as a whole.
I should have kept it to myself. It served no real purpose.

My apologies.


ACrumpledWhisker said...

I'm a bit scared to be commenting on your blog, sir, because you are a great artist that I admire. However, I feel it necessary to say that the last post, while not serving a real purpose, allowed me to feel a teensy bit better because the imagery is very similar to when I think about/become frustrated with subjects/beings I am passionate about, as well. Thank you.

Michael Zulli said...

Not to worry, iam at least to my knowledge, Zeus or any other deity. Your comment was quite welcome.


Michael Zulli said...

Not to worry, iam at least to my knowledge, Zeus or any other deity. Your comment was quite welcome.
