Friday, April 8, 2011


When I start a new piece, especially after being "off" for a while
I usually screw up a bit the first time out. Needless to say, I have a lot
of bits off paper and whatnot overflowing the wastebasket.
A blog or so ago I mentioned a special thing I am doing for The Valley
Of The Kings, an animal rescue organization that cares for everything from Tigers to Pigs.
I hope by doing this to raise funds to help in the day to day operation of the place. I will let you know where prints can be found when they become available. Please do your best to support the kind and excellent people who try so hard and care so much.

Okay, This is a kind of notification that there will be shortly and "in progress"
working blog going up shortly detailing the piece I call "Burning Brightly",
along with my personal observations on wildlife art in general.
I promise to do my best to post with as little space between installments as I
am able. There will be three of them largely because three is a nice number
and it covers the beginning middle and end. All very tidy. Unlike my waste basket.

See you there as soon as possible.


Friday, April 1, 2011


On this day, in the year two thousand, eleven years ago, my forever beloved Lucy
was born. She passed away on july eighteenth two thousand and one from a tragic accident
that left me crushed for a decade.

I love her still but I have found peace in her passing.

Sleep well dear girl.


ps: i no longer have photos of her in my data base so this was the only photo i could find on line. she was about to win best in her class. one point from her championship. she died less than a week later.
she never would keep her ears up. silly beast.