Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Once again I find myself apologising for my prolonged absence.
Whatareyagonna do? Shit happens, and to me, seemingly with some frequency.
I live with it.
So, before all the stuff I was going to say, I think I'll just hit the studio news.

All current commissions complete. Give the boy a hand.
I have two portraits,(in a manner of speaking.) to do. I am REALLY
looking forward to them, as both are super people and extremely interesting.
Also, I am in the middle of doing at least four, perhaps five new pieces for a show
based around GRAPHITE curated by the amazing Ryan Graff of Eidolon Fine Arts
for this coming March. I'm in pig heaven.

In fact, if all goes well, in the next week or so I just may open up the shop for a commission or two. We'll see.
Now, the news.
The Fracture of the Universal Boy is due out, finally, in January. Place your orders NOW!! And buy one for a friend. Who Knows, I may actually see a few bucks from the damn thing. It would be nice considering the book has been through hell, (come to think of it, so have I.) being born.
And finally I just want to say, that being in New Orleans for Neil's birthday was just the thing to spark enough good attitude for several average birthdays. I was born in Louisiana
and have not been back since I was a very small child,( I have very vivid memories of that time.) and my return was both in a way apocryphal and eye opening. I just loved it there.
The french Quarter is one of the most unique and interesting places in the world and if fate lets you go there for a time, I guarantee that you will take a piece of it back with you.
Thank you Neil, many many more equally as fabulous. If that's possible.
So all in all, things are most definitely well oiled and running as smoothly as I ever wished things to. It's almost spooky.
Oh, and there may be some extremely weird news back here next month. Wait and see.
I almost wish I could say for certain, but I tend to not whistle past graveyards. Things crossed and salt over shoulders.
Before I sign out, my very best to Olga, Kyle, Annie, and Holly. If I forgot you here, sorry, it was the red beans and rice.

Love to you all,

Monday, November 1, 2010


In hindsight, after re-reading the "OPEN LETTER", it seems to me to be a mistake. There is just not enough subtext that occurred due to a sensation of treading to fine a line between absolute honesty and my inherent sense of personal privacy. In fact, if I were Peter I'd have been totally put off by it in general.
I am not confessional by nature, and I can never seem to fine the proper line and tend to err on the side of caution. Perhaps things like this, speaking only for myself, should be left on the cutting room floor.
It essentially lacked good manners.
My apologies to Peter.

Look for another post in the "Pearls" series shortly. I can always count on metaphor.

Blessings of Peace,
